Charlotte Water is committed to implementing a Community Benefit Project on the land around the new Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility that would serve as an enriching community amenity for neighbors. We want this Community Project to create a vibrant public space or a meaningful community feature that encourages connectedness and well-being in our project community.
For this Community Benefit Project, Charlotte Water has recently purchased 90 acres surrounding the Stowe Facility site and will implement the Community Benefit Project on this land. In the short-term, Charlotte Water intends to use these 90 acres to provide a dedicated access point and temporary construction staging site. In the long-term, Charlotte Water intends to implement a Community Benefit Project on this land.
The Community Benefit Project
After carefully consideration of a variety of project options, Charlotte Water has decided to develop a multi-component Community Benefit Project.
The Stowe Community Benefit Project will include:
• A future Educational Walking Trail that will include interactive activities.
• A paved greenway along the new road and bridge that provides views of Long Creek and connection to the Catawba Thread Trail.
• A Public Meeting Space in the new Stowe administration building that will be available to the public for meetings, workshops, and events.
• A Collaborative Partnership with the Catawba Lands Conservancy to identify and develop future trails and trail connections on the 90 acres Stowe Community Benefit Project land.
• Ongoing Partnerships with nearby schools to support the development of a collaborative ESTAM educational program.

Connecting With the Community

Over the past two years, we have been engaging community members in the planning process for this Community Benefit Project. In the Spring of 2021, we held an online community visioning workshop and survey to allow community members to actively engage in the ideation process for the Community Benefit Project. It was important for us to gather input from the people who will use this public space most often. The community feedback from this workshop and survey helped us to understand the community’s values.
Community Workshop Analytics
457 Survey Responses
13 Ideas Provided
One of the primary sentiments shared by community members was their desire to have more access to outdoor recreational opportunities for those who live and go to school in the area. Community members also emphasized the importance of preserving the natural feeling and landscape of this tranquil area.

We also assembled a Community Stakeholder Committee made up of individuals who live and work in the Stowe project community. This Committee provided insights on the community’s goals and aspirations for this Community Benefit Project. Through community-based participation, we created a collective vision for the Community Benefit Project and decided to develop a multi-component Community Benefit Project.
Charlotte Water is continuing to use the feedback we have received from community and committee members as we move into the design phase of the Community Benefit Project. As we develop the design for the Community Benefit Project components, we will be providing updates to the community. We are so grateful for all of the feedback and insights provided to us by Stowe project community members and we are excited to use these insights as we move forward with designing the Community Benefit Project – a project that we know will increase vibrancy, encourage connectedness, and promote well-being.
To stay informed about public involvement opportunities related to the Community Project, please sign up for our project updates.